Thursday, September 27, 2007

Makeup Tips on PH Balance

PH is a medical term that describes the balance of your system and it refers to the condition of metabolic changes. Most skin problems are a derivative of diet and the lack of proteins. Now, for a stepping-stone to a beautiful you, let us look at our regime involved in prepping our skin. Once again, skin problems stem from unbalanced PH. Our skin has a happy PH balance and when your diet is unstable, as with the typical American junk food diet, our skin changes as a result.

An increase in sugar or a lack of vegetables changes the PH balance of your skin; if you over cleanse your face (by cleansing in the morning and again at nighttime) you will age your skin by reducing the natural moisture in the T-zone area. Sometimes, just a white, warm washcloth soaked with distilled water, followed by a cleanser, and is better than toner. The base ingredient of most toners is alcohol, which dries out your skin. At nighttime, before you go to bed, is the best time for toners, because they remove makeup, and environmental impurities, and dead skin cells.

Over-cleansing your face will age you. The best oil is that which your body produces. As a rule, those who have oily skin look younger, because oily skin is not prone to wrinkles like dry skin owing to abundance in natural oils. Each of you has a specific skin type and each of you needs a balanced moisture cream that suits your individual needs. Let us consider some things that cause changes to your skin that you perhaps overlook. Many women fast, thus draining the body of the needed vitamins that one gets from food. If you dehydrate your body, you change your sodium and potassium level, which changes your PH.

Many women think that it is a good idea to put oil on their skin; this is fine for your arms and legs, but never put oil on your face. This method is a myth. Why? Well, if you apply oil on your face, your sebaceous glands (oil producing glands) will stop producing the skin's own precious natural oils. Here's what happens: The brain sends a message to the glands that oil is present, thus cutting off your natural moistening and the result is an increase in aging because of dryness.

Your PH Level greatly affects your skin. PH imbalances (too much or too little acid) are your skin's worst enemies. PH imbalances are the result of stress and poor dietary and lifestyle habits. (Junk food; extreme diets; not enough fruit and vegetables; excess salt and sugar; alcohol; drugs (legal or otherwise); overuse of antacids or laxatives; smoking; lack of exercise; not drinking enough water; too much sun and wind; etc.)

Some women try to correct the effects of PH imbalances with an inexpensive moisturizer while others spend megabucks for a product that will do the same job. Remember, if your skin is dry, you need to moisturize and you do not need an expensive product to do this. Skin demands different products, so listen to your skinif it is breaking out, or drying out, it is telling you it needs a change of product (you may also want to review your lifestyle habits to see if there is something you are eating or doing that may be affecting your skin). Should you use the same products year after year? Let us seeshampoo, after 90 days, builds a residue on the hair shaft. Deodorant, after 90 days, does not work as effectively.

As your body builds tolerance to your products, you must change products. Also, do not use the same product in the summer as in the winter months because your skin will have different needs when exposed to cold or hot weather. If, for whatever reason, your PH level changes, so will your need for products. Does this make sense? Common sense is your rule to follow. In addition, as you age, your skin will require different products, so let you skin tell you when to change. The Artemus Objective Method of Makeup

Having had vast experience over the years in training make-up artists and models on how to apply makeup correctly, he has also worked as a makeup artist in his own right and has made up some of the most well-known faces in the industry. He has worked as a consultant for designers and photographers as well as advised on makeup techniques for films and plays. Today, he offers you the opportunity to learn his unique techniques through his e-book Bible Of Makeup

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Be A New Improved You With Hypnosis

Hypnosis can be used to improve ALMOST EVERYTHING about yourself that you can think of.

It can make you MORE SUCCESSFUL by improving your confidence, memory, mood, imagination. Hypnosis is often used to help people pass exams, present dynamic presentations, excel in job interviews, and stay focussed on goals.

It can help COMBAT MEDICAL PROBLEMS such as skin complaints, stress, insomnia, asthma, IBS.

Hypnosis can also be used to CONTROL HABITS such as smoking, drinking, drugs, overeating, nail biting.

Or it can be used as a general relaxation aid to help us in our stressful lives. The list goes on

Probably for a variety of reasons. First of all many people are scared of using it. They hear stories of people thinking they are chickens, or just generally under some kind of spell. Stage hypnotists have long since created the wrong impression of hypnosis. They simply pick volunteers who are extroverts and want an excuse to act daft. A person in a trance does not sing and dance like Elvis!

Also a person is not actually under a trance. A good hypnotist GUIDES someone into a trance. It is just as much the skill of the patient as it is the hypnotist.

A trance is actually an everyday phenomena for most of us. It occurs when you are engrossed in a book or film, or during meditation. You must allow yourself to go into trance, no-one can make you. Also you can snap out of it any time you please. If you could control others against their will, there would probably be a lot of wealthy unscrupulous hypnotists who regularly visit their bank managers!

Many people may not use hypnosis because of the cost and the difficulty finding good practitioners. A lot of people are put off paying high prices for a technique they are not sure will work.

It seems folk would rather pay for a good than a service. People seem to feel less cheated if they pay for something like nicotine patches, rather than a hypnosis session for smoking for example. Its probably down to our materialistic notions that we have something to show for it. However the end result is all that matters. Hypnosis is known to have a far greater success rate for smokers than nicotine patches.

Some people may not trust enough to use the services of a hypnotist. They may not like talking to a relative stranger about their problems, or just might not like meeting new people. However there are now other ways of receiving hypnosis through recorded media, or even down the phone. Recorded sessions are cheaper, and can be used many times for greater effect. Most of us cannot afford the services of a good hypnotist several times per week.

However there is a wide scope of self improvement with hypnosis that literally billions of people are missing out on. Dont be one of them!

Still cynical?
Then try my site It contains free online hypnosis sessions. You can then see for yourself if hypnosis is for you without parting with a penny.

All I ask is that if you like the site, recommend it to friends and family. This will allow us to fund the expansion of our site through our sponsorship. We believe that everyone should be aware of the helpful power of hypnosis, and should have the opportunity to use it.

Hope to see you soon.
Jon Rhodes

Jon Rhodes is a qualified clinical hypnotist, and owner of the free-hypnosis site He strongly believes in the provision of therapies for all. Jon also works with people suffering mental health problems, and teaches life skills at colleges around the UK.

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